Cottage Grove Church Hosts New Series

The Cottage Grove (Ore.) Church hosted Triple Dose, a series of meetings. Ty Gibson, Light Bearers Ministry director, presented his first presentation of a new series: Triple Dose, Discovering the Love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The three-part series opened Friday evening during two days in early January. The first lecture focused on: the Selfless Love of the Father. According to the Bible, God is a triune fellowship of self-giving, other-centered love made up of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Sabbath continued with: the Passionate Love of the Son. Participants learned in Jesus, the perfect love of the triune Father, Son and Holy Spirit is personified, clarified and emphasized.

Finally, in the afternoon Gibson presented: the Powerful Love of the Holy Spirit. Gibson says, "The primary mission of the Holy Spirit is to pour into hearts a continual increasing measure of God's enlightening, empowering love. He does this by not seeking attention for himself, but continually directing our attention to the self-sacrificing life and death of Jesus Christ."

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Featured in: February 2009
