Jeans Fund Mozambique Mission

It was when the Redmond Church started raising funds early last year to help build a church in Chinonaquila, Mozambique, that Greg Haskin, church elder, decided to go and work on the church himself. The Redmond Church collected almost $15,000 to help with the construction and to drill a well and by March 2008, the church got word that the church in Mozambique had been completed and dedicated.

However, that news didn't stop Haskin from wanting to help in Mozambique, so in July Haskin flew there to help.

To generate travel funds, Haskin and his wife Linda made quilts from used jeans and those monies plus other unexpected funds enabled him to make the trip.

Haskin also used the money to purchase 180 Bibles in the Portuguese language and the first Sabbath he was there, six church groups met and he was able to give them out.

Haskin spent a busy two weeks, working and seeing the results from his labors and the money from his church. While he was there, he saw the well that had been drilled, supplying clean drinking water in Chinonaquila for the first time.

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Featured in: February 2009
