Church Renews Wedding Vows on Valentine's Day

Bob Taylor, pastor, planned his sermon and church service around the strengthening of the home and for couples to renew the marriage vows on Sabbath, Feb. 14, 2009. Two couples led the song service—Ron and d'Ann Jocaban and Rob and Suzan Case.

Zach Frey, a teenager, called for the offering while Cameron Lindstrom and his teacher Irene Sayler played a duet for the offertory. Julie Alvarez told the children's story about how God lavishes His love on us while heaping chocolate frosting on a cake. The children could sample the cake after the potluck.

Sheralyn and Allen Brandt shared the scripture reading before the morning prayer by Ron Jacaban, presiding elder.

As Ray DeHaan sang "I Will Be Here," Larry and Jeanna Stephens came down the center aisle and lighted candles to celebrate their 24th wedding anniversary. Pastor Taylor gave a short homily on the importance of remaining true to marriage vows.

Pastor Taylor led the men in the renewal of their vows as they held their wives' hands. Linda Taylor led the ladies in renewing their vows while the couples faced each other. Then all the couples signed their certificates of the renewal of marriage vows. Taylor gave a prayer of dedication and closed by singing "The Lord's Prayer."

"This is the most unique church I've ever attended!" says Shirley Thomas.

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Featured in: April 2009
