Winston Dedicates New Sanctuary

A dream 26 years in the making was realized on Dec. 13, 2008, when the Winston (Ore.) Church congregation dedicated their newly completed sanctuary.

Through innumerable blessings and member dedication, the church complex was built without going into debt. Maranatha volunteers framed the sanctuary, and members worked tirelessly to complete this house of worship. The first phase was completed in 1984, and the fellowship room served as the sanctuary for many years.

Charles Disney, current district pastor, arrived seven years ago and contacted Maranatha for help. They were scheduled out two years. However, a cancellation in their schedule allowed them to come and frame and roof the building in a few short weeks.

Key people in the final phase of building the sanctuary were Gary Jones and his wife Evelyn. They coordinated efforts of the volunteers and contractors for completion. Their talents and efforts are largely responsible for the completion.

The first series of meetings to be held in the new sanctuary will begin in April when Murry Miller, a pastor from South Dakota (who was baptized in Winston), will present a Revelation Now seminar.

Members invite those looking for a church home in the Winston area to make this their church.

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Featured in: April 2009
