Adventist-Christian Fellowship's Mission Trip to Kauai

From December 2008 through January 2009, members and sponsors of the Moscow-Pullman Adventist-Christian Fellowship Collegiate Club spent approximately 10 days on a mission trip in Kauai, Hawaii.

The group of 11 participants stayed at Kahili Adventist School in Kauai, where they aided the Kahili community by doing repairs on the school building and maintenance on the grounds and equipment.

The biggest project was completely repainting a large classroom for seventh- and eighth-grade students. As an experienced painter, Alan McDonald of Moscow, Idaho, helped immensely in the organization and execution of the project. He is a community member in the group.

Other projects completed include painting classroom bookshelves, repairing classroom screens, washing classroom windows, raking and transporting leaf piles, weeding flower gardens, repairing a rototiller, cleaning and bleaching playground equipment and cataloguing library books.

Gordon Johnson, Washington State University physics professor and Pullman Community Worship Center elder, and his wife, Pat, a retired nurse, sponsored and headed the operation. They had been to the school with other groups for various projects in prior months. Each day Pat prepared meals, called contact personnel and ran for supplies. Gordon organized missions with the groundskeepers and school workers, and led out in several of the projects including installing rat screen and removing leaves from a canal. He often served as the group's driver.

The group's main hope is the work done and the attitude shared reflect Jesus to the people of Kahili Adventist School. Jenna Woodcook, the member of the team who was not a part of the Moscow-Pullman group, lives in Othello and works for the Othello School District as an eighth-grade teacher. "As a teacher," she says, "I feel extremely grateful I have books that are not moldy and a classroom where I don't have to worry about rats running across the desks... Sharing Christ's love with others in such a small way meant a lot to me."

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Featured in: July 2009
