Nampa Church 16th annual Spring Music Concert

On May 2, church members, friends, relatives and others stepped out of the cold rain and into a warm sanctuary for Nampa's 16th Annual Spring Music Concert. Participants were greeted by Ervin Furne, pastor of the Nampa (Idaho) Adventist Church for nine years. Furne says "A church our size is very blessed to be able to hold a choir of this size together for this many years." Choir membership is usually 25–30 singers with a church membership of nearly 451.

Wilker Maxwell, choir director, announced, "I was impressed this year to share more with all of you than I have in the past." He then told how this year's concert, "My God Is A Mountain Mover," was intended to be a special message of hope, a message of how to survive our current and future life challenges. Early on, it seemed Satan did not want this message to be shared and in addition to dealing with trying to get all 25–30 choir members together for practice, i.e. illness, vacations, job situations, etc. complicated organizing the program.

The choir mixed music and dramatic presentation to impress God's great power of hope upon all.

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Featured in: July 2009
