WWVA Reaches Out to the Community

Walla Walla Valley Academy reaches out to the community in multiple ways.

One outreach this year included Cliff Dolph's freshman English class. Dolph had students visit and interview senior citizens at a local assisted living facility. Students then wrote life sketches for these residents. The stories were compiled, printed into book format and shared with the residents. It was a meaningful experience for both students and residents, helping each side understand the other's generation.

Keith Wells, WWVA mathematics and physics teacher, brought creativity into his conceptual physics class. For 24 months, WWVA students shared their science experiments with junior high students at Rogers Adventist School. Wells shares his goal for this project—to help students understand their science concepts well enough to explain them. Hope Fry, WWVA senior, says, "Teaching others gave me a better understanding of the concepts I was sharing."

Junior high students from Rogers responded very positively to these science presentations. Wells comments "This is another great way to connect and build relationships with students in our community."

More projects of this nature are part of WWVA's class offerings.

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Featured in: July 2009
