CAA Celebrates First Classes in New Building

Graduation was over. But parents, grandparents and friends flocked to Columbia Adventist Academy's Back to School Night, celebrating completion of construction and the beginning of the the big move!

Following a special evening assembly program, the "students" attended a shortened series of classes in the new building. Among many options, they learned Spanish, participated in a science lab, tried their skill with hand bells, experienced the new SmartBoards (interactive white boards) with a math lesson, and learned about CAA's alternative learning department.

After classes, the "students" were served "hot lunch" in the cafeteria. During dinner, Bill Pritchard, keynote speaker, spoke about Christian education, and the impact it has had on him and his family. He spoke specifically about CAA and the part this school has played in their lives.

After dinner, Matthew Butte, CAA principal, shared with the group that a parent in the audience had given a $50,000 matching challenge for that night. The appeal was given, and together, the group not only rose to the challenge, but exceeded it! The total raised for the night was $102,000, bringing the campaign within a million dollars of being completed.

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Featured in: August 2009
