Kalispell Montana Youth Conference

Dreams of starting a youth conference in Kalispell, Mont., with the purpose of challenging, inspiring and equipping young people from all over the Northwest became reality July 30–Aug. 2. In keeping with this year's theme "For Such a Time as This," each speaker: Michelle Boothby, Tim Riesenberger, Phillip Sizemoore, pastor, and Scott Moore from Lay Institute for Evangelism, focused on helping participants find purpose for their lives.

Seminars dealt with understanding the principles for experiencing boy/girl relationships God's way and in His timing, witnessing to others and finding your purpose in life. Common Bible stories came alive as presenters made practical applications to current life. Presenters pursued a common goal — to help prepare young people for more effective ministry!

The Kyle family shared their talents in song services and concert, using music to bring the message home.

Young people made decisions for baptism at this conference and others recommitted their lives to Him in a deeper way. Throughout the conference, attendees were able to grow in their personal walk with God, learn how they could better fulfill His purpose, and fulfill the great commission of taking the gospel to the world.

For more information on next year's conference, visit the MTYC Web site at: www.mtycweb.org. Information and recordings from this year's conference will also be posted on the Web site.

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Featured in: October 2009
