Farmington Youth Challenge Teens Take on VBS as Outreach Project

At a typical church board meeting, members of the Farmington (Wash.) Church discussed the lack of staff for church activities.

"It looks like we're not going to have Vacation Bible School this summer," said Jim Kilmer, pastor. "We don't have anyone willing to take it on this year."

But Wes Wagner, an elder and one of the youth leaders, had a bold idea. He said, "Let's have our youth put it on this year."

The next Sabbath, after lesson study, Wagner brought up the subject to seven regular youth members. "What do you think about leading out in V.B.S. this year? We don't have anyone able to take it on, and it is an important outreach to our community."

The youth eagerly responded and, after much planning, stepped up to their new roles as leaders. Some led out in the decorating; others took on roles of game leader, photographer and team leaders.

Becka Reeve, high school sophomore, planned several creative projects to teach daily Bible stories. Dewey Anderson, a senior, lent his acting talent to illustrate daily Bible points in fun ways for the children.

Kessiah Grenz and Stevana Sego served as team leaders, heading up groups of five children each throughout the week. Jordon Wagner took on the responsibility of putting together daily outdoor activities.

On opening day of Vacation Bible School, thirty children registered for Crocodile Dock, an adventure-filled week of songs and stories from the life of Moses and the Israelites.

"I'm proud of our youth," says Wagner. "They stepped up to the plate and made our annual children's outreach possible this year."

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Featured in: November 2009


Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor