Magabook Outreach Students Experience God at Work

This past summer, several academy and college students knocked on approximately 90,000 doors all over the Idaho Conference. They didn't just knock, they shared Jesus, offered books for donations, and grew tremendously in their own spiritual journeys with God.

Led by Jeff Kimmel, Idaho Conference literature ministries leader, the students learned how to talk to those who opened their doors, share their experiences, and begin each day with prayer. Here are some experiences shared by a couple of students.

Michael Roosenberg enjoyed working in Spanish neighborhoods. He loved to get the books to the families there because they seemed to be so open to the truth. One day as he was at a home, he showed a book called Jesus Friend of Children. He asked the little girl, "Have you ever heard of Jesus?" When she said, "No," he was surprised but took a few minutes to tell her about Jesus. After leaving that house, he said, "That one experience made this whole summer worth it."

Danielle Hagood awoke one night at 3 a.m. and felt impressed to pray for a man named Bob. Two weeks later she was going door to door. She walked up to a house surrounded with cars, where it appeared that a party was going on. As she walked up toward the house, a dog ran out of the garage to meet her. The man of the house came out, looking for his dog. Danielle told him what she was doing and showed him some books. When she asked him if he had any religious background, he said, "No."

She felt impressed to show him The Great Controversy, The Desire of Ages, and Steps to Christ. When she told him the books were available on a donation basis, she was surprised when he said he would get them. Then he said it was strange his dog ran out of the garage and if Hagood would have knocked on the door, she would have met his wife who would have said "no." Hagood then asked, "What's your name?" He replied, "Bob."

Over the course of the summer, the students shared over 5,300 books, earned $37,450 in scholarships, and had 100 Bible study and other interested contacts. More than the scholarships, the students learned how much God cares for each of them.

Members of the Idaho Conference gave sacrificially to fund this program through GROW Idaho. Even in this economy, nearly $100,000 was pledged at camp meeting, more than $76,000 of which has already been received.

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Featured in: November 2009
