Milton-Stateline Students Learn Leadership Skills

To kick off the new school year, Milton-Stateline Adventist School seventh-and eighth-grade students participated in a three-day leadership camp on Oregon's Deschutes River.

Led by Doug Brown, pastor, the camp teaches students leadership skills and group dynamics through a series of problem-solving activities. Students also keep leadership journals and study positive leaders in the Bible.

“The camp is a platform that we use to help the older students develop a vision and goals for how to lead out at school,” says Twila Brown, MSAS vice principal. “Our goal is to help children realize they have a circle of influence — that even a small gesture like a smile can really make a difference in someone’s day.

"Students also spent time rafting on the river, a natural vehicle for teaching team-building skills, says Brown. To navigate the rafts, students had to learn river rafting commands and ways to work together as a team. "We had to work together or most of us would fall out!" says Serena Goodhew, eighth-grade student.

The leadership camp is a popular event that students look forward to each year.

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Featured in: December 2009
