Wellness Booth at Alaska State Fair Draws Hundreds

"I'd rather eat a piece of paper than go vegan!" declared one young participant. However, more than 787 people visited the Adventist Wellness for Life Booth at the Alaska State Fair, Aug. 27–Sept. 7, 2009. Many were thrilled to learn about God's health principles.

More than 64 dedicated volunteers, worked 5–6 hour shifts, helping visitors understand the eight laws of health, taking blood pressures checks, and weighing others on a body composition scale. Participants were encouraged to fill out surveys on their coronary risk, health age and stress profile. Participants panted their way through a step test, and browsed through a jaw-dropping display on hidden amounts of salt, sugar and fat in various foods. After hoisting a shocking 5 pounds of rubber "fat," many put weight loss on their "to do" list.

Counselors answered questions, explained scale readings, and listened as visitors poured out their concerns and problems. This made it possible for the counselor to give helpful hints directly related to the individual's health, school, work and/or family troubles.

In addition, the wellness booth promoted upcoming programs such as CHIP (Coronary Health Improvement Project), Zero Cholesterol Cooking Class, Financial Peace University, and the Depression Recovery Program.

Although the volunteers were tired at times, they gained a blessing by their unselfish service. One volunteer says, "It was a privilege for us to be able to help. It was so encouraging to see how the Lord prepared the hearts of the people — when they walked in they were ready to hear what we were seeking to share. Ellen White said the health message is the 'entering wedge and the right arm of the gospel.' This was confirmed even more to us, since many visitors requested Bible studies as well by the end of their visit."

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Featured in: January 2010
