"Amazing Grace" Recognized For 35 Years of Service

Lela Faulkner, leader of the Canyonville (Ore.) Adventist Community Services, presented a plaque to Grace Alice Mentzel in recognition of her 35 years of volunteer service.

At 95 years old, Mentzel is the oldest volunteer at CACS. Most Wednesdays you will find her sewing in the quilting department. Many of her quilts have been available at the Dorcas Boutique during Gladstone Camp Meeting. Mentzel is never idle. For many years now, she has used her “spare” time to make t-shirts for missions and quilts for those in need. She also collects stuffed animals to give to children in the mission field. Many others have been enlisted by Mentzel along the way to help with her different mission projects.

“Amazing Grace,” as her friends affectionately call her, was in a near fatal accident in 1999. Upon her miraculous recovery, she resumed volunteering and was quick to give God glory stating, “God isn’t finished with me yet!”

Mentzel is quick to share a smile, a word of encouragement, and to praise the Lord for her long life and good health that allow her to keep serving in her community and the Canyonville Church. She truly is “Amazing Grace!”

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Featured in: February 2010
