Great Falls Harvest Party

One of the favorite social events in the Great Falls (Mont.) Church is the annual harvest party, sponsored by the Five Falls Christian School. Over the years, members have had everything from bake sales to carnivals.

This year was no exception with a barn party planned by the Christina Clark, Home and School leader.

Philip and Shelby Vercio, church members and school parents, graciously allowed the use of their horse barn. Clark and a crew of helpers transformed the barn into an autumnal wonderland complete with hay bales, garlands, streamers, branches wrapped with lights and 130 pumpkins. Members and school families brought caramel apples and treats. The school provided hot mulled apple cider and fresh popcorn. With 50 mph wind gusts, a hayride and bonfire were out of the question but event planners were ready with a back-up plan.

The evening was spent playing standard harvest party games: musical chairs, wheelbarrow races, pumpkin-rolling relays and a good old-fashioned grand march. Many of the adults remembered marches from long ago, the children wondered why we hadn't done it before and a non-Adventist friend thought it was great fun, asking where we found such a novel idea. To say everyone had a good time would be an understatement.

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Featured in: February 2010
