Milo Honors God Through Music

The church grew quiet as the bell players assembled up front, lit by glittering Christmas lights and colorful spotlights. As the congregation settled into their seats the bells began quietly playing "Carol of the Bells." As the sound grew louder, male voices could be heard from the back as the choir began their entrance into Milo Academy’s church for its annual Christmas concert. Soon women voices joined until more than 50 young people were praising God as they filed into the full sanctuary.

The featured decoration was a manger scene set as the background of a large wreath, in which the vignettes were held. The changing lights, the candles in the hands of the choir, the controlled voices all contributed to an attitude of worship and praise.

Dwight Morgan, music director, with the assistance of his wife Ellen, excelled at combining all the musical talent available — such as the Milo Adventist Elementary School bell choir, vocal soloists, and wind ensembles, a violin soloist, an organist, and a small vocal ensemble. All these groups worked with the choir, the bells ringers and a drama team to give a performance.

This year’s Christmas concert will remain in many people’s memory as the music was outstanding, the acting sincere, and the atmosphere truly one of worship and adoration to our Lord. The Milo music department has a lot to share this year, and we look forward to what is still to come.

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Featured in: March 2010
