Prayer Conference Invokes God's Presence

Eighty enthusiastic prayer warriors from all over the Northwest attended the first semi-annual Oregon Prayer Retreat on Nov. 6–8, 2009. The "Prayer Life of the Remnant" retreat held at a Christian camp near Cottage Grove, Ore., was sponsored by lay members of the Oregon Conference. The guest speakers were Kelly Veilleux, East Coast Prayer Ministries coordinator; and Karen Martell, West Coast Prayer Ministries coordinator. Each speaker shared tools for effective prayer, modeled prayer formats and led in one-on-one, small groups and large corporate prayer times, all seeking the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The worship in music was for some the favorite times of the days as a praise team from Walla Walla University led out. Brittni Bryan, Mike Stratte and Adam Newbold shared in praise and prayer and also gave several special music numbers. Another highlight of the weekend was the Friday and Saturday night "Holy Ground" prayer times. Lives were changed, needed healing was found and hearts were mended as the Holy Spirit moved among the prayer warriors in personal intimate ways.

"I have attended other prayer conferences where we learned about how to pray and did some practice," says one attendee. "But at this prayer retreat we really prayed. And even now weeks later, the presence of the Lord lingers in a more powerful way. I wish each Sabbath could be a little prayer retreat like this one where we share more meaningful and intimate prayer and practical Bible study time."

Plans are already set for the second semi-annual retreat. Chuck Burkeen, Oregon Conference Members Ministerial director, is the guest facilitator for the April 9–12, 2010, weekend. If you have a longing for a more intimate prayer life and true connection with the Holy Spirit then register today at or call (800) 732-7587. For more information, check the Oregon Conference Web site at Space is limited.

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Featured in: March 2010
