Hearts on Fire 'Ignite!'

On Sunday, March 28, more than 130 Seventh-day Adventist women from around the conference gathered at the Lebanon Adventist Church for an annual event called Hearts on Fire"Ignite!" It was an all-day event including a Continental breakfast and vegetarian lunch catered by Mama's Italian Restaurant, seminars, and a keynote speaker, Ginny Allen, who talked about how God wants to light our fire. The women explored how God desires to ignite our potential emotionally, physically and relationally. The breakout seminars covered everything from physical and spiritual fitness to learning how to write your testimony. The women did an outreach project together by signing hundreds of cards for homeless shelters. It was a day of refreshing, refueling and igniting our spiritual potential.

"And they said one to another, 'Did not our hearts burn within us?' while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures" (Luke 24:32).

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Featured in: June 2010
