Retired Teacher Sews For Orphans

Verna Sonnentag retired from teaching in 2008 and has been sewing clothes for children ever since. In addition to the clothes she makes, Sonnentag collects unused clothing and sends them to International Children's Care.

In February of this year, Sonnentag sent more than 300 articles of clothing to the children of ICC. Ninety-seven of those articles were items she created, including pants, dresses, pajamas, shirts, hats and gloves.

The Sonnentags, who attend the St. Maries Adventist Church (Idaho), have a personal interest in ICC. In the fall of 2002, the Sonnentags adopted their daughter, Ruth, from the ICC children's receiving center in Guatemala City.

ICC is an Adventist organization headquartered in Vancouver, Wash. They have several receiving centers and children's homes in many countries around the globe. You may read the ICC newsletter and learn about more opportunities to help children through the ICC Web site at

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Featured in: June 2010