Montana Conference 2010 Educational Festival

Fifty-seven fifth- through eighth-grade students from around Montana descended upon Mount Ellis Academy in Bozeman, Mont., from May 10–12, for the 22nd-annual Education Festival. Monday afternoon included get-to-know-you games, basketball and soccer clinics, along with a spelling bee. The evening began with worship by Darren Wilkins, MEA principal, and then the group headed out to the Bozeman Swim Center for two hours of water fun. Tuesday morning’s worship was followed by track and field activities, including foot races, a softball throw, long jump, shot put and crazy games. The afternoon was filled with games for the brain and body. Ed-Fest style “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?” and “Family Feud” preceded basketball and soccer games. The evening occupied the students with viewing their judged art and social studies projects, playing Capture the Flag, and demonstrating their music skills and Lego robotics endeavors. The grand finale of Ed-Fest occurred Wednesday morning with worship, an awards ceremony and a slideshow of the happenings of Ed-Fest 2010.

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Featured in: July 2010
