Give Me That Old-Time Religion

Evangelism is alive and well at the Vancouver (Wash.) Adventist Community Church. Throughout the course of his first year at the Vancouver Church, Roger Walter, senior pastor, has presented three evangelistic series — most recently a month-long series on the Prophecies and Puzzles of Revelation with Richard Halversen.

Fliers were sent to 130,000 local residents. Weeks in advance, church members met on Monday nights, praying for the Holy Spirit to impress community members with a desire to know more about Jesus and to attend the meetings. On opening night, more than 300 people were present.

Throughout the month, Halversen's warm delivery kept average attendance at 180, even though a decline in numbers occurred after "decision-point" subjects, such as "The Sabbath" and "The Mark of the Beast."

On Sabbath evenings, a light refreshment was provided, and potential members mingled with their new church family. It was amazing to see God at work throughout the church lobby.

On April 23, a special service of baptisms was held. One would have thought the gospel had just fallen on the outskirts of a foreign country visited by missionaries. It was evidence that the Holy Spirit had moved on hearts right here at home.

Each decision was unique: 23 baptisms and eight new members on profession of faith. Vancouver members saw God's continued power in each of these precious souls who accepted Him as their Lord and Master.

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Featured in: August 2010
