Quality Speaks to Mission at Adventist Medical Center

Dennis, a successful businessman, was devastated upon learning his position was being eliminated as a result of the economy. A few days later, the Portland, Ore., resident suffered a stress-induced heart attack.

Unfortunately, rather than calling 911 and having the paramedics transport him to the best facility to treat his condition, his wife drove him to a hospital where they were informed he needed to be transferred to a medical center capable of inserting the stent required to open his blocked artery.

The good news for Dennis and his family was Adventist Medical Center was just a few miles down the road and ranked in the top 10 percent nationwide for the speed in which the staff reopen blocked vessels. The newly built Northwest Regional Heart Center, designed to provide comprehensive cardiac care, is now one of only two accredited chest pain centers in the entire state of Oregon.

Today, Dennis is living a productive life, thanks in part to the team of specialized clinicians at AMC who continue to meet his needs. “They’ve helped heal my heart by taking care of my physical, emotional and spiritual needs,” says the active 59-year-old. “My family and the co-workers at my new job know that AMC is the only place for me from now on!”

Five-Star Rating

Integrity, quality, compassion, wholeness, respect, family and stewardship are the pillars of Adventist Health’s values. The demonstration of these values helped AMC become the recipient of the Community Value Index Five-Star Hospital Award for the fourth consecutive year. This national recognition means the hospital is consistently meeting the healthcare needs of the community in a financially responsible, efficient and effective way. “We are determined to provide exceptional care for our patients here in the Portland metropolitan area,” said Mark Perry, AMC chief financial officer. “Medical expertise, patient care and trust in the value of our services are imperative to our success, but more importantly, it’s critical to ensuring we are fulfilling our mission of demonstrating the human expression of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ by taking care of the needs of our community.”

Proof in Numbers

More proof of the high-quality care patients receive at AMC has received state-wide attention. The Oregon Healthcare Acquired Infections Report compared infection rates at 58 hospitals. AMC has some of the best results in the entire state for eliminating central line-associated bloodstream infections among patients in the intensive care unit. The hospital also is recognized for its role in preventing post-surgical infections in knee replacement patients. The ongoing process improvement is tied to a collaborative study with Johns Hopkins University.

Care You Can Have Faith In

After a century of providing healthcare to the community, many things have changed, but the Adventist Health commitment to the mission of caring for the whole person remains. Dennis has AMC to thank for his healthier heart. Many others can thank the hospital as well for its dedication to improvement, prevention and quality.

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Featured in: September 2010
