Wolf Point Company Hosts Live With Hope

May 7–29 the Wolf Point Company hosted a Live With Hope seminar with Thai Nguyen as the presenter. Nguyen is from Vietnam and has been a Bible worker with the Wolf Point Company for nearly a year. His wife, Sharon, teaches at the church school in Glendive, Mont.

Five nights a week, Nguyen opened before the audience God's truths, His promises and the assurance we can live our lives on this earth within God's will, looking forward to Christ's Second Coming and an eternity with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The meetings were an inspiration to everyone who attended. Several members of the Wolf Point Company recommited their lives to Christ. One individual requested to join the company on profession of faith, another is taking Bible studies online through Amazing Facts, and three requested to be rebaptized. Others have expressed interest in doing Bible studies. Seeds have been planted, and the Holy Spirit is watering. Members anxiously look forward to the harvest.

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Featured in: September 2010
