CAA Leadership A Continuing Tradition

Leadership has played an important role at Columbia Adventist Academy, in Battle Ground, Wash.

Greg Hurlbert, math instructor and CAA alum, has seen changes in leadership — first as a student and then as a teacher. "With the development of a strong chaplaincy, there has been intentional focus on spiritual leadership and has, in turn, impacted the Student Association and individual class organizations," he says. "It's a holistic approach as compared to contained units of spiritual emphasis." Other teachers agree. Ed Tillotson, CAA teacher for the last 16 years, adds, "While all schools take pride in the fact their students fill roles of leadership, the administration at Columbia determined to place an intentional focus on developing student leadership, allowing and encouraging students to be as active as possible, especially in the area of spiritual activities."

Students also see the advantage. "Opportunity [for leadership] is definitely given here for everyone," says Melody Morales, CAA senior. Tyler Hillman, SA president and senior, adds, "Leadership at Columbia is cool because it's based on the spiritual atmosphere and teachers support that." His words echo those of J.F. Kennedy when he said, "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."

Thomas Reed, junior and former Week of Prayer speaker, says "I see a lot of upperclassmen taking initiative and encouraging freshmen. Leadership here isn't always the upperclassmen. Everyone is involved and shares ideas that make for a good atmosphere and positive student-teacher relationships."

Susan Byers, band and English teacher, sums it up: "Leadership at Columbia changes everyone and always for the better." At the beginning of a new year, please pray students and staff will work together as a cohesive family to provide leadership that results in men and women "whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole ... and will stand for the right though the heavens fall."

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Featured in: October 2010
