Feeding the Flathead

St. Matthews is where the dinner event happens the third Sabbath every other month at 5 p.m.

Cynthia Greene and Leala Bowman are the coordinating members of the Kalispell (Mont.) Adventist Church dinner for those who can use a helping hand and something to eat. In preparation, they post a notice with a menu weeks in advance, soliciting food donations and help, then put the ingredients together to feed 40–60 people at a time. They supervise the helpers. The first meal of the year is in February. The most recent meal was Aug. 21, and a spaghetti dinner was served with green beans, salad and garlic bread, with brownies and ice cream for dessert. This wonderful outreach is a blessing to those who participate as well as those who are served.

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Featured in: October 2010
