Columbia Academy's Thanksgiving "Fun Raising"

If "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones" (Prov. 17:22), then there was a wealth of health and not a single dry bone at Columbia Adventist Academy's second annual Thanksgiving celebration, "A Cornucopia of Love." The theme was mirrored in the juxtapositions of thanks and laughter, giving and receiving, "enhance the romance" tips and challenges offered by the keynote speaker, and a variety of music.

Board members, constituent church members, friends of the school, faculty, staff and students all contributed to making the event a huge success. Following a vegan banquet meal, served efficiently by the CAA seniors, and entertainment by a new friend of CAA, Milford Stratton, the evening ended with the keynote address by Ryan Moor, CAA class of 2000, and an outpouring of gifts from the more than 130 guests present.

As giant strides of progress are made toward the retirement of the debt on the new building, the words shared by Moor are worth repeating: "Within these walls lives are changed, developed and saved. Think of this as the West Point of Christian education. What happens within these walls is great, but what happens outside of these walls is eternal. So Columbia, your students are what these walls are all about. And to you students, this is one of the greatest gifts you'll receive. Utilize every second. When you leave Columbia, leave with God and an unwavering love for others. And know that when you do, you just might change the world."

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Featured in: January 2011
