A New Church and New Pastor

In early January 2010 a hard freeze broke the overhead plumbing inside the Sutherlin (Ore.) Church. A huge amount of water poured into the church foyer and classrooms before the break was discovered several days later. Needless to say, church members had a great deal of repair work to complete. Several weeks before the disaster, the Lord had sent a new pastor, Rocky Gale, to Sutherlin and he guided members through cleanup and repairs.

Most of the labor for the cleanup project came from volunteer church members. Everyone became involved in doing what they could to help out. Some of the older women provided meals for work crews. After the foyer and classrooms were finished, the decision was made to replace the 10-year-old carpet in the sanctuary. Then, since everything was dismantled anyway, the church decided to do some much-needed remodeling. Remodeling included replacing older windows to match newer additions, repairing the platform and adding new siding to the outside of the building.

The Lord blessed the project, graciously providing for the church's needs when it came to the finances involved for the undertaking. Today, church members have a beautiful new building in which to worship.

This project, began with disaster, has done much to draw members together as a warm and loving family of God.

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Featured in: February 2011
