UCC Adopts Vision Statement

The Upper Columbia Conference adopted an official vision statement at the recent conference executive committee meeting on Jan. 25. The statement paints a picture of what the church will be like just prior to Christ’s return.

Bob Folkenberg Jr., UCC president, says, “We intend to use this to guide conference and local church plans and strategies as we seek to reach our region with the news of Christ’s love and His soon return.”

The vision statement reads as follows:

“In visions of the night, representations passed before me of a great reformatory movement among God’s people. Many were praising God. The sick were healed, and other miracles were wrought. A spirit of intercession was seen, even as was manifested before the great Day of Pentecost. Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest. On every side doors were thrown open to the proclamation of the truth. The world seemed to be lightened with the heavenly influence. Great blessings were received by the true and humble people of God,” (9T 126).

More information about this vision statement and how it is being implemented in the Upper Columbia Conference is available at www.uccsda.org.

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Featured in: March 2011


Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor