UCC Approaches Evangelism With Grass Roots Effort

A little more than a year ago, the Upper Columbia Conference launched the Share the Life evangelism initiative. Share the Life seeks to encourage and equip members to live every moment fully consumed with Christ and what matters to Him.

This conference-wide evangelism initiative is placing powerful resources at the church level in the form of Bible worker coordinators. These individuals are leading outreach teams in their churches, teaching members how to give Bible studies and working to find ways to build relationships with the community and missing members.

To date, the Share the Life initiative has placed Bible worker coordinators in 40 of the 69 church districts. The difference this is making in churches is energizing. Members are getting excited about sharing the good news of Jesus.

Dylan Howard is a Bible worker coordinator in Osburn, Idaho. He just e-mailed in this encouraging report: “The Osburn Adventist Church started a soup kitchen ministry to meet the felt needs of our community. As a result of this outreach, we just received a request from a couple for study and baptism.”

You can read more stories and find additional information about Share the Life at www.uccsda.org.

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Featured in: March 2011


Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor