Bonners Ferry Church Shares Jesus

The Bonners Ferry Church shared Jesus in a series of meetings coordinated by the Share the Life outreach team, with lay members Bob Johnson, Jeff Pownall and Hank Schatzel presenting the nightly topics.

The meetings were conducted Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings for three weeks in a row. Attendance averaged nearly 55 every night with about 10 non-church members coming regularly. Some of these had been studying the Bible with one of the church members regularly and others were neighbors, friends or relatives who received a personal invitation. The PowerPoint presentations were well received. A beautiful Bible was given out to those who came for five nights, and five people earned the prize. In addition, a drawing was held each evening for a beautiful handmade Bible verse on stone.

Several people commented they especially enjoyed the beautiful visual pictures accompanying the Bible texts. As added interest for the young listeners, a fill-in-the-blank task and crossword puzzle were provided each evening with prizes upon completion. Childcare for children eight years old and under was provided with illustrated Bible stories, crafts and coloring pictures.

After each meeting a "get acquainted time" with cookies and juice brought people together. Several community people attended church the next Sabbath and are continuing with Bible studies.

The outreach team carried out a seminar on diet and stress in March and April, which was well received, and is continuing to work together to bring Jesus to the community. Support from the church members, through attendance and financial contribution, has been outstanding.

"I think we all took a personal sense of ownership in this and worked together as a team to bring God the glory," says Myrna Walters. "But I know I received the greatest blessing with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit."

The team is continuing to reach out to the community with plans for door-to-door surveys in June and a fair booth in August. Another Share the Life series is planned for the fall.

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Featured in: August 2011
