The Full Plate Diet Comes to Riverside

Riverside Church members, in Washougal, Wash., have embarked on a health adventure: the Full Plate Diet. The adventure began with a Taste and See Health Seminar on March 14, which introduced the principles for healthful living that Adventists are known for.

With the Full Plate Diet, weight loss for each participant averages 1–4 pounds in the first two weeks. After that, weight loss is more gradual. Combined with an exercise program, weight loss is greater and tends to be more permanent. One participant reports she lost one pound per week for a total of seven pounds just by substituting brown rice for white rice, sweet potatoes for white potatoes, and oatmeal "powered up" with nuts for shredded wheat.

The class at Riverside Church was conducted by Jack McIntosh, health educator, and Linda Schrader, health instructor. The session began each Monday night at 6:30 with cooking demonstrations and food samples, plus a health lecture by McIntosh. Recipes made maximum use of fiber food power — from "Powered-up Salad" and "Powered-up Potato Soup" to delectable desserts like fresh strawberry pie with a rich nut crust.

The first Full Plate Diet class was held at the Riverside Church last fall. More than 30 participants have completed the class. Half of the participants in the spring class were not church members. Two will be baptized soon. The class runs for eight weeks. Each participant receives the N.Y. Times bestselling textbook, The Full Plate Diet, and workbook. Go to for more information.

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Featured in: August 2011
