Academy Foundation Launches Website

The Upper Columbia Academy Foundation is excited to announce the development of a new website. The Foundation is an independent group consisting of alumni, friends and family of Upper Columbia Academy who desire to assist qualified students in the opportunity to enroll in Upper Columbia Academy year after year.

The objectives of the progressive redesign are to provide interactive capabilities for its visitors, serve as a relationship tool to glean visitor data and draw additional Foundation partners. It will also function as a technologically robust information hub, offering relevant news and opportunities relating to UCAF's goal to assist UCA students.

The executive board has initiated the website project as part of an aggressive plan to move the Foundation's efforts into higher gear, widening its partnership base by creating stronger awareness and retaining active support.

The Foundation's central decision to build the new website is based upon their appreciation for all friends, family and alumni of UCA who have decided to partner with the mission by creating endowments. The site will share stories of the endowments and outline their specific profiles that directly relate to helping UCA students.

Currently, the website is promoting the UCAF Annual Golf Tournament, which will take place Oct. 7 (during UCA's alumni weekend). Those who are interested can learn about the event and sign up to participate.

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Featured in: September 2011
