Pathfinder Leaders Convention Focus on Teens

It was a gorgeous summertime weekend at the Gladstone Park Conference Center as Pathfinder leaders from around the Oregon Conference and beyond came for the annual Leadership Training. The theme for this Pathfinder year is “Send Me,” based on Isaiah’s experience of seeing God on His throne “high and lifted up,” and his response to the question, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" As recorded in Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah said, “Here am I. Send me.”

Guest speaker Chuck Hagele, Project PATCH executive director, shared insights on how to build relationships with teens, de-escalate issues, stay clear of danger areas, and most importantly, model Christ.

Throughout the weekend, Pathfinder leaders and TLTs (grades 9–12 Pathfinders) attended workshops that provided relevant ministry training Pathfinder-style. Fay Ziegele, Pathfinder leader from Hood River, Ore., who retired after 58 years of Pathfindering, shared on Sabbath morning how to “continue to make Pathfinders fun for the kids as you lead them to Jesus.”

The convention closed at the flag poles with Tracy Wood, Oregon Conference Pathfinder director, quoting Isaiah 6:9: “And He said, 'Go …' Go to wherever the Holy Spirit calls you! Go forward for Christ! Go and lead your Pathfinders to Jesus! Go!"

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Featured in: October 2011
