Youth Rush Students Touch Lives For Christ

For the past two years, the Upper Columbia Conference has hosted a summer youth ministry called Youth Rush. Youth Rush is a 10–week summer program where students get involved in literature evangelism, work with a team of other students and learn valuable people skills, job responsibility and earn money for school.

This summer, 16 students from the U.S. and Mexico gathered to share good news with Spokane, Wash.; Wenatchee, Wash.; Moses Lake, Wash.; Tri-Cities, Wash., and Yakima, Wash. Here is just one of many amazing stories from this summer.

Eric Kablanow writes: “It had been an unbelievable day and the energy was running high in our van. We were just three books away from our day's goal. It was too late to knock on doors so we urged our leader, Mario, to let us go to Wal-Mart and canvass in the parking lot. Mario pulled in and dropped us off for just three last books. As I was walking through the parking lot trying to find someone interested, I saw a man just about to get into his car. So I said: ‘Hi,’ and started to canvass him on a DVD we have that covers Daniel 2. He was very interested and decided to get it to help me go to school. Now I had no idea if he would even watch it. It had been a very casual sale just to make our goal for the day, but God had bigger plans for it.

“About a week later, Sergio (another Youth Rush student) was working in a neighborhood not too far from the Wal-Mart when he met the very same guy I had sold the DVD to. The man was ecstatic about what we were doing. He had watched the DVD and he said it had changed his life forever. He wanted to hear more about the gospel and the end times, so he bought another DVD and a book from Sergio.

“When I got back that evening and heard Sergio’s news, I was speechless. I had been praying for something crazy to happen that day but it had seemed like God wasn’t answering. He had something in store for me, something greater than just a great experience at a door. He allowed me to see a small picture of what happens after we share with others.”

Thank you for your prayers and support of the Youth Rush program. It is changing lives for eternity. Visit for more Youth Rush miracle stories.

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Featured in: November 2011


Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor