Mount Ellis Senior Class Play Brings Little Women to Life

This year's Mount Ellis Academy (Bozeman, Mont.) senior class play, directed by Anita Strawn de Ojeda, English teacher, was Little Women, a story centered around the life of a family of four daughters whose father is away fighting in the Civil War.

After months of practice, costume sewing and set construction, the play was performed Saturday night, Nov. 12, during Senior Recognition weekend. Beforehand, the senior class served a spaghetti dinner in costume, by candlelight — one of the few times the juniors got the seniors to wait on them. After the dinner, students headed over to the administration building for the play. With the seats filled, the curtain opened and the spotlights came on.

The play was a great success, even with a few glitches, including a lead actor having emergency surgery the day before the first performance. Luckily James Stuart, science teacher, stepped in and learned the lines just in time.

When the play was over, the cast came out to take a bow and the crowd erupted in applause, bringing to a close a grand night of entertainment.

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Featured in: January 2012
