Re-dedication in Stevensville

The first snowstorm of the season howled outside but inside the Stevensville (Mont.) Church a warm glow filled the sanctuary as Carol Harrison re-dedicated her life to Jesus on the third Sabbath of November 2011.

Three of Harrison's 13 grandchildren perched on the edge of the baptistery watching lovingly as Bill Whitney, pastor, lowered her beneath the waters of baptism.

"The Holy Spirit had been speaking to me for quite some time," Harrison says. "The cares of this life together with too many outside influences had caused me to fall away from the close walk with God I knew while growing up. I attended [the] Prophecies Decoded evangelistic series with Ron Clouzet. Toward the end of the meetings the Holy Spirit's pleading became so loud I knew I couldn't wait any longer."

Now Harrison is radiantly happy, and the entire congregation of the Stevensville Church welcomes her with open arms and joyful hearts.

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Featured in: February 2012
