Upper Columbia Women's Retreat Shares Hope and Happiness

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine," came to life for listeners of Carla Gober who attended the first Upper Columbia Conference (UCC) Christian Women's/Young Women's Retreat, entitled Share the Hope and held Oct. 28–30, 2011, at Camp MiVoden in Idaho.

Retreat guests experienced rich blessings as they learned biblical principles wrapped in laughter from Gober's Windows of the Heart presentation. In the process, many discovered healing and courage for their daily walk.

Thirty-three young women enjoyed their own track with special guest Kristie Stevenson, who also served as guest musician for the retreat with her daughter, Edyn-Mae. Stevenson's topics included Everyone Has a Story: What's Yours?, Royalty Training, and True Love Waits.

Three grandmother-mother-daughter groups attended as well as many more mother-daughter combinations. On the return trip, one group reports, "we had so much fun taking turns telling our stories, activities and re-living the retreat. The many hours of our return trip flew by!"

Plan to attend next year's Christian Women's/Young Women's Retreat Oct. 26–28, with special guest Gail McKenzie. For more information, contact Patty Marsh, UCC women's ministries director at Pattym@uccsda.org or 509-242-0621.

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Featured in: February 2012


Patty Marsh

Upper Columbia Conference children's ministries, community services and women's ministries director