Upper Columbia Christian Men's Summit Features Prayer and Reconciliation

The subject of reconciliation in Christ drew the men of Upper Columbia Conference to this year's Christian Men's Summit.

Charles "Charlie" Brown, Adventist Reconciliation Services founder and experienced pastor, gave four presentations and many informal discussions exploring Bible-based methods to resolve conflicts in churches, schools and other organizations. "I really liked Charlie's acronym PAUSE [Prepare, Affirm relationships, Understand interests, Search for creative solutions, Evaluate options] for speaking in love," says Sid Nash, an attendee from College Place. Wash.

The men also prayed — for each other, their families and their home churches — and gave thanks for a particular answered prayer. Last year the men gathered on their knees for a particular prayer request by Greg Lorren of College Place. This year, Lorren, one of the breakout-session speakers, described how the Lord answered that prayer and his family from bondage — a story that particularly touched attendee Don Blue.

After such heart-searching examinations during the Sabbath, the men participated in "Xtreme Games" and were challenged by the themes of the movie Courageous. Then, as everyone prepared to leave on Sunday, Brown charged them to go forth and practice what they had learned.


I have been going to men's retreats since the early 1990s, and I have been asked, "Why?" Well, when I go to men's retreats I get an experience that I can't get anywhere else. Each speaker is focused on bringing men back to a closer walk with God. Breakout sessions on specific topics are tailored to raise men to fulfill their responsibility as the priest of the home. But the best is the prayer time, when we get together and pray for each other with hands on our brothers in need and our time with the Lord alone. It's a weekend with other men, growing closer to the Lord, getting to know other brothers across the conference, and building your relationship in Christ. This not only benefits the men that go because when they go back to their communities everyone benefits. Men's retreat is the retreat to get your priorities straight, to refocus or to get the strength from the Lord through your body of brothers in the faith. It is a win-win time with the Lord. Do you dare miss it? — Carl Kostoff

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Featured in: April 2012


Cheryl Wallace

Upper Columbia Conference Pathfinder/Adventurers Family Life department administrative assistant