Montana Conference Hosts 24th-annual Educational Festival

If it wasn't bright-colored noodles to deal with, it was raptors. If it wasn't raptors, it was figuring out the correct ending to a proverb. Sixty-six students in grades 5–8 enjoyed this and more with their teachers and sponsors during the 24th-annual Education Festival (EdFest), held May 7–9 at Mount Ellis Academy (MEA) in Bozeman, Mont.

The event included a showcase of student art and social studies projects, creative relay races, a scavenger hunt, and an evening at Bozeman Hot Springs. There were also track and field events, including a hockey game with bright-colored pool noodles. The Montana Raptor Conservation Center provided an up-close view of owls, hawks and a vulture.

Bill Whitney, the Hamilton (Mont.) District pastor, led music and shared stories about ministering to prison inmates. His title, Missing Heaven by 18 Inches, puzzled attendees until the event's conclusion.

During "brain games," teams answered questions about state facts and had to complete ancient proverbs, such as, "Teachers open the door..." (The correct conclusion is: "you enter by yourself.") James Stuart, MEA science teacher, demonstrated how different metals react to water (some with fire and smoke) and exploded a can with the perfect ratio of oxygen to hydrogen.

EdFest concluded with the distribution of awards and pins, a slide show recapping the event's activities and worship. During worship, Whitney explained his title — that one could miss heaven by 18 inches for having head-knowledge of God, but not heart-knowledge.

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Featured in: August 2012


Kristi Rich

Montana Conference Accountant, Co-Worker and Friend of Ruth Stanton