Spring Brings New Beginnings in Stevensville

As spring brought about new beginnings in the lush Bitterroot Valley of Montana, two souls began their own new beginnings. Grace Thompson and James Bibee were lowered under the waters of baptism in the Stevensville Church on June 2.

Thompson and Bibee attended the Prophecy Decoded evangelistic series last fall and have been studying and attending church faithfully since that time. When asked why she decided to be baptized, Thompson replied, "I have wanted to be baptized for a long time. The Holy Spirit was urging me to do it now."

When asked the same question, Bibee replied, "I just felt I should. I was baptized by sprinkling when I was younger but felt I needed to be baptized by immersion, and now was the time."

Attendance for the baptismal Sabbath was almost doubled, attesting to the fact that Stevensville wholeheartedly welcomed them into the family.

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Featured in: August 2012
