Sitka Sends Missionaries to Hoonah

The village of Hoonah, a Tlingit community with a population 785, has no Adventist church, and Merry Ann Hall felt impressed to do something about it. She has a strong burden for the distribution of literature and has placed Christian books in hundreds of homes in Alaska and Hawaii over the last several years.

Recently Hall, a Sitka Church member, believed that God was directing her to expand her ministry to the village of Hoonah on Chichagof Island. Joyce Robertson, who has helped Hall with the distribution of The Desire of Ages in Sitka, made plans to join her on the Hoonah trip. When Mary Baer expressed an interest in helping, the group was complete.

Aug. 14 was a beautiful, clear day, especially appreciated by residents of the temperate rain forests of southeast Alaska. By 8:30 a.m., the “missionaries” were on their way. They boarded a small plane and for the next 45 minutes enjoyed the breathtaking scenery of Alaska, flying over several mountain ranges en route to Hoonah.

Hall, Robertson and Baer found the residents of Hoonah to be very friendly, greeting their visitors with smiles and waves and encouraging them in their endeavor. Robertson says that “the blessing flowed both ways.”

The three missionaries returned to Sitka that evening after leaving packets containing The Desire of Ages, Amazing Facts’ Hidden Truths Magazine and a Discover Bible School enrollment card in 300 homes. They were very tired but felt blessed to have a part in spreading the good news of a crucified, risen and soon-coming Savior.

Baer, who is not yet a baptized Adventist, has already expressed a deep interest in following up with the contacts in Hoonah. Plans are already being made for a return trip. Sitka Church asks for prayers for God’s children in Hoonah. Members praise God for His leading and for the willingness of His people to follow His direction and spread the gospel even in the remote villages of Alaska.

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Featured in: December 2013
