Cottage Grove Churches Hold Party in the Park

The Party in the Park, held Aug. 24 in Cottage Grove’s Coiner Park, brought together the local Adventist church and other area churches to distribute free school supplies and clothing to those in need. Large crowds showed up early to this much-anticipated event in hope of receiving many of the items needed to start the new school year. A free lunch was gladly received by those attending.

Area churches offer such items and services as backpacks, assorted school supplies and haircuts. An estimated 200 individuals obtained clothing from the Adventist Community Services program.

Though the Cottage Grove Church decided to partner with the Party in the Park event to consolidate this vital community service, the church has held an annual school clothes giveaway event independently for many years. Now parents, who themselves received some of their school clothing from the church years ago, bring their own children for clothes and other school-related items.

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