Milo Students From China Expand Their Horizons

Milo Adventist Academy is privileged to have students from several different countries in its English as a Second Language (ESL) program, which has operated for many years.

Michelle Candy, who spent several years working in Hawaii, Hong Kong and China, works hard to make sure visiting students understand not only the English language but also American culture. Besides teaching language and Bible classes, she also takes the time to plan other activities.

One of these activities was a trip to Crater Lake with some students from Hong Kong. The students got to play in the snow, explore the woods and eat in an American restaurant (the first time for many of them to eat in an American non-fast food restaurant.). Another trip was to Chicago, Ill., and Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich., during a recent home leave.

Cici Chen, who is visiting from China, says she appreciated the chance to see how American professors teach their students and how the American university system differs from the Chinese system. The students also enjoyed seeing the thick ice on Lake Michigan and exploring Chicago, though they had never been so cold before, as temperatures dipped to 0F.

During other home leaves, the international students go to American family homes to experience a little bit of American home life. Many of the students become close to their host families. Cherry Xu, for example, has become part of her classmate Ardy Vaeono’s family, spending many home leaves with the Vaeonos. Because of this closeness, Vaeono visited China this summer with Xu, becoming part of her family in turn.

Tony Dan had only been in the United States for one month when he told Chad Reisig, Milo Academy Church pastor, that he wanted to be baptized, right away if possible. After studying with Reisig, he was baptized during Bible Camp last September. Dan says that he wanted to be a Christian because he comes from a region in China that has a lot of violence. He wanted to know God because he wanted a better way to live. He wants to go back to China and change his environment by trying to share a better way of life with his friends.

As these international students are exposed to Christian teachers, classmates and ideas, they have many questions. Milo's teachers and staff ask for your prayers as they strive to answer these questions through their teaching and their living examples.

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Featured in: April 2014
