Beaverton Receives 10 Days of Blessings

The Beaverton Church joined churches around the world for 10 Days of Prayer, held Jan. 8–18. Members and guests met together each night at 7 p.m. to pray collectively to God. Prayer was led by James and Laura Eng and was open to all ages. Participants spent about an hour in prayer each night, praising God, confessing to God, thanking Him, and asking for His intercession in their community and the world.

Those who attended were invited to write down five specific people that they would like to pray for during the next 10 days. These names were placed in a basket so everyone could pray over them and lift them up to the Lord.

“I put the name of a friend’s daughter in the basket who was a victim of a violent crime," says Brenda, one participant. "We all prayed over her name, and this morning I found out she had contemplated and attempted suicide last night but had not been successful. I believe God kept her safe from her own actions due to our prayers even though we didn’t know she was struggling so deeply."

All present were blessed by the opportunity for collective prayer and outpouring of praise and love for our Creator. “I feel like I'm finally learning to pray God's Word back to Him," says Vanda, another attendee. "That is powerful because I feel like I'm really having a conversation with Him when I do that.”

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Featured in: April 2014
