Togiak Baptisms, Dedications Expand Church Family

In late September 2013, the Williams family asked to have two of their children baptized, so Chad Angasan, Togiak Church pastor, started the Native New Day Bible studies with them. Both Carmen and Corina Williams were happy to get to know Jesus on such an intimate level; they were learning that Jesus doesn’t live in a box some call "church." During these studies, Jesus was becoming a community of friends, a circle of trust and companionship to both of them.

While this intense fire was burning inside the hearts of Carmen and Corina, another thirsty soul was desiring this experience with Jesus. Cindy Jo Sutton had been digging in the Word a couple of months this winter, and her hunger for the Word of God was like a hungry mamma bear after hibernation. Also, like a caring mother, she thought of her cubs; Sutton has five kids. Her three older kids, Rhemus, Kalena and Aeris, followed in the footsteps of their mother to be baptized while her toddler twins were dedicated. Carmen, a mother of three, had her babies dedicated as well.

In all, seven people were baptized and five babies were dedicated on March 8 at the Togiak Church. It was a proud day for Alvaro, Sutton's husband and father of their five beautiful kids. The father of Carmen’s kids had a special glow of his face knowing that their little ones were dedicated to the Lord.

Togiak is a village of 800 people, so through this event more than 1 percent of that population was saved and dedicated to Jesus. While Bible studies continue with these baptized candidates, their pastor looks forward to seeing what else God will do in the near future as he gives “thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever” (Psalms 136:1, ESV).

Chad Angasan, Togiak Church pastor

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Featured in: May 2014
