Vancouver Primary Class Helps World Vision Project

The Primary I Sabbath School class, with members ages 5 years through first grade, at the Adventist Community Church in Vancouver, Wash., has been learning how to be more like Jesus. Recently they were inspired to help other children around the world through a World Vision project. A gift of two chickens would supply a needy family with fresh eggs to supply protein for the family's meals and income through the sale of extra eggs. They learned that families would use this income for essentials such as food, clothes and medicine.

The class set a goal of raising $25 to purchase two chickens. Children took on extra chores to earn money. They saved extra change and asked their parents to help with donations. When they counted their coins, they had raised $50. Today, two needy families somewhere in the world have food and a source of income and hope for a brighter tomorrow thanks to big hearts in little children.

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