Image Credit: Peter Hernandez

Milo Adventist Academy Welcomes New Staff

God has blessed Milo Adventist Academy in Days Creek, Ore., with new additions to its team. Forrest Miller, who graduated in 2013, has returned to work as an assistant in the maintenance department. Already the campus is more beautiful thanks to his hard work and attention to detail. Miller says he loves Milo's family atmosphere. "It’s not just a place where I work; it’s a place where I get to broaden my knowledge," he says. "Milo is a place where I have the opportunity to impact the kids’ lives for the better and, most importantly, grow closer to Christ every day.”

David Evans, vice principal for finance, comes from Walla Walla University, where he served as dean of men for the past nine years. His great sense of humor lifts the spirits of his colleagues.

The new music director, John Carter, most recently taught at La Sierra University in Riverside, Calif. The students, who affectionately refer to him as “Doc,” are excited about improving their skills under his expert tutelage.

Jeff and Dannia Birth passed up a promotion in Oklahoma because they wanted to make a difference for Milo students and because “the people here are family — it just feels like home … . It’s as great a place to raise our 5 year old son as it is to send a teenager.” Jeff will be heading up the agriculture department, and Dannia, a 1997 Milo graduate, is teaching the horsemanship program. One of Jeff’s goals is to “make God's love, His character, a bit more real, a bit more clear, for someone here this year.”

Newlyweds Greg and Lacey McKelvey served at Newbury Park Academy in California. Greg is the assistant boys’ dean, and Lacey, a 2007 Milo graduate, is the administrative assistant.

Hanna White, the new assistant girls’ dean, also attended Milo. Scott Coogan, assistant chef, and Victoria Kuebler, business office assistant, are part of the team as well. Recruiter and ELL (English Language Learners) coordinator Kathy Hernandez also teaches Bible and Spanish. She spent the last eight years in the Texas Conference and hopes to work at Milo until Jesus returns.

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Featured in: November 2014
