Baker City Church Welcomes New Members

Oct. 4 was a high Sabbath for the Baker City (Ore.) Church, as it welcomed five new members: four by baptism and one on profession of faith.

Steve Story had been raised a Seventh-day Adventist but had left the church in his teens. He later married Karen, a Catholic, but Karen was not happy with her church. The two remained unchurched for a time while they searched for a place to belong. When they moved from Pendleton, Ore., to Baker City and found the Baker City Adventist Church, they said they felt “at home.” When Eleanor Brandon discovered they were interested in Bible studies, she arranged for George and Jeanne Peacock to study with them. Later, they continued their studies with Toni and Jerry Nickell. Convinced that this was the church for them, the Storys requested baptism.

Ron Frasier, a resident of Baker City, attended several of the evangelistic meetings held at the church over the years, including two Revelation series with Tony Brandon, Baker City Church pastor. During his childhood, Frasier’s next door neighbors were Adventists, and he remembers asking his mother why they went to church on Saturday instead of Sunday. Over the years, his interest deepened, culminating in his decision to become an Adventist through profession of faith.

Sue Draper had taken Bible studies several years ago with church member Muriel Gray and had been convicted of the Adventist beliefs. She began faithfully tithing and studying her Sabbath School lessons but was unable to attend church while caring for her ailing husband. After her husband passed away, her daughter, Karen Ledbetter, moved in with her. The two began studying together and both decided to be baptized.

Steve and Karen Story, along with Ron Frasier, were welcomed into the church during the morning worship service. Sue Draper and her daughter were baptized that afternoon.

The Baker City Church family is happy to welcome these five new members.

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Featured in: January 2015
