Theology Students Connect With Lents Members, Community

Amy Moreno and Andrew Nixon, Andrews University master’s degree students, preached Seventh-day Adventist fundamental beliefs in a Christ-centered way Sept. 9 to Oct. 4 at the Lents Church in Portland, Ore. “We have been blessed to have Amy and Andrew as part of our congregation this last month," Steve Madsen, Lents Church pastor, said. "They have connected with our congregation and community with enthusiasm and a passion to share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. It has been a pleasure working with them.” 

Moreno and Nixon realized their goal of preaching their messages in a convincing way using humor and personal testimony. For instance, Nixon admitted he was baptized at age 7 in order to share in the bread and grape juice at communion. Later, when he had greater understanding, he chose rebaptism. Moreno disclosed the Lord recently answered her and her husband’s prayer in an important financial matter.       

The planning for this September effort took place in January when Ron Clouzet, Moreno's and Nixon's professor, shared he would be offering an evangelistic series in Vancouver, Wash., and indicated Lents Church could request a couple of his students present an evangelistic series as well. He required Lents members to hold community events prior to his student's arrival, so health and financial seminars, music concerts, and Vacation Bible School preceded the evangelistic effort. 

Moreno's and Nixon's messages have been affecting non-Adventist attendees, and the Lents Church family is looking forward to baptisms in the next few weeks. Members are inspired by the dedication of Clouzet and his students and thank the Lord for them.

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Featured in: December 2014
