Making Way for Ministry

Friday afternoons can seem slow at Walla Walla University. After a week of rigorous classwork, it seems reasonable our students would ease up in anticipation of Sabbath rest.

However, for a good number of our students, Friday afternoons signal the start of an active engagement in worship ministry.

Some 36 students strong, our Campus Ministries team plans and presents Friday night worships for our campus. In roles like sound and media technicians, stage managers, musicians and speakers, we depend on these students to close out the week and lead our campus into Sabbath worship.

Most Friday nights after vespers, those who wish to continue their worship take a short walk to our campus Prayer House, where prayer warriors lead in singing and prayer to welcome the Sabbath.

On Sabbath mornings, you’ll find more students facilitating worship at Circle Church, Berean Fellowship or Renew. Here they study God’s Word, share testimonies and lift their voices in song together in Sabbath celebration.

What drives already busy students to take on these added responsibilities?

First, this generation is particularly energized by service. Researchers explain that this group is compelled to do for others.

Second, researchers tell us this generation appreciates having a service-focused job, to know that they are needed. They long to be an important part of something bigger than themselves.

Finally, our students appreciate a welcoming space to practice and polish their talents. Whether it’s on Sabbath or throughout the week, here our students feel empowered to learn and lead.

Our students are the future of our church, and making way for them in ministry will impact the future of Adventism in our region. Consider these recently released statistics.1 

Graduates of Adventist colleges and universities are:

  • 7 times more likely to develop a deeper personal relationship with Jesus while in college than their Adventist peers who graduated from public colleges/universities;
  • 5 times more likely to develop a strong commitment to their church while in college than their Adventist peers who graduated from public colleges/universities;
  • 3 times more likely to develop a deeper desire to be a church leader while in college than their Adventist peers who graduated from public colleges/universities.

Our students are serious about participating in ministry. In partnership with the Walla Walla University Church, Walla Walla University is serious about providing opportunities for our students to learn and lead. Together, let us welcome their talents and commitments into our churches and encourage lifelong service to others.

  1. "College Impact Research Report," a study of college experiences in North America, sponsored by the Association of Adventist Colleges and Universities.
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Featured in: January 2015



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